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Contract Information

Bitcoin Mining Cloud Services

Bitcoin is the first open-source, decentralized and currently most popular cryptocurrency. Bitcoin mining is done with specialized ASIC-Hardware utilizing the SHA-256 algorithm. You can mine Bitcoin and make investment that’s more profitable within a short time .

Contract Term

12 Months of guarantee runtime
18 Months of guarantee runtime
24 Months of guarantee runtime

Your mining services will run for 12/18/24months period even in cases where your daily mining reward falls due to fluctuations in the market price of bitcoin. This way, you will always have the potential to produce cryptocurrencies as market conditions improve.

The daily mining outputs are variable and are determined by these factors: the mining difficulty, the Bitcoin vs USD exchange rates, the maintenance fee (electricity, cooling, development, and servicing costs), and the technology used for mining. The first two factors are unpredictable and we can not control them, since this is due to fluctuations of the economic market, but we always deploy state of the art mining technology, and do our best to keep our data centers running at their maximum capability for you.

All the plans provided in the mining section can be elongated or increased depending on the amount invested to be mined. The daily, weekly or monthly returns can't be determine due to variability in the market price.

Our investment plans are of the rate of 500USD to 100,000USD. Daily, weekly or monthly returns are measures in percentage to increasement or decreasement in the market price of the bitcoin value in which every plans is stipulated to have a 250% return annually on investment, still pre-determined by the market value of bitcoin. You can find more in-depth information in our Customer Service Center.

Maintenance Fee

A fixed maintenance fee is deducted from all 12/18/24 months contracts for their full runtime. Current maintenance fee: 0.12 USD/THs per day. Please note that the fee is fixed in USD but deducted from the daily mining rewards in BTC.